[Review-ish] Star Wars: The Last Jedi theater experience.

[Originally posted on Facebook: 12/24/2017]

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

Two years ago today I saw The Force Awakens in theaters and was blown away. I figured I couldn’t pass up such a serendipitous moment and went and saw The Last Jedi. Annnnnnd…..9/10, phenomenal movie, on par with TFA.

I had heard how divisive it was, and quite honestly, I have to agree with what my good buddy Jon Gillett said earlier “2015: TFA is too much like the originals, its not good”

“2017: It does too much original stuff and therefor it’s bad”

Some people just can’t be pleased.

In fact that’s what I loved so much about this movie, it played with your expectations and swerved you when you least expected it to, and then swerved you again because HAHA you pseudo-intellectual critics and theory-making youtube nerds, shut up and let the movie tell its story before you call it bad, because your own projection of what you “thought” it was going to do, didn’t actually happen, and that yes, the movie CAN do that because apparently everyone forgot that space magic is a thing, the end.

Anyway, I recommend if you haven’t seen the movie by all means please do. If not for the fact that it’s a great movie, but also for the fact it was Carrie Fisher’s last.

Rest in Peace princess.

[New note: Yup, still the best, especially after Disney tried to course-correct afterwards with the following movie. Shame.]

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